Grow your business and buy your dream home
Whether you want to buy your dream home, borrow money to invest or you need extra cash flow to pay for lifestyle expenses and follow your passions, we can help.
A loan that suits you and your business
Structure your home and investment loans to achieve maximum tax efficiency.
We can find the right loan for your needs and circumstances and support you throughout the entire application and settlement process.
Getting it right the first time
Every time you apply for a home loan and are unsuccessful for various reasons, this leaves a mark on your credit history.
We use software that has access to the latest loan information across the board of lenders, they then can match this against your individual situation and goals.
This allows it to become very clear of what your borrowing power really is and which lenders are the most likely to lend to you.
This helps you to identify which lenders your application is most likely to be successful with and reduces the chance that you’ll be turned down numerous times and marks against your credit history.
We do the legwork
We compile the paperwork and source preapproval. We will keep you informed throughout the whole process, saving you time and enabling you to stay focused on running your business or finding your ideal home.
We know you best
Building a relationship with our client and understanding your business or financial position gives us the advantage on providing lenders a confident and complete snapshot of your financial position and performance.
We can structure your loans to help you:
Pay off your debts sooner
Use the equity in your home to establish an investment portfolio to build your long-term wealth
Provide liquidity and cash flow to pay for life expenses and investments without having to liquidate assets and disrupt your financial plans
Reduce the cost of investment funding by making gearing more
tax effective